
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

What’s the plural of anus? 

From time to time Mac and I has this naming game using nouns whose singular end in
–us and whose plural end in –i. The funny part is, we do it in Tagalog and Taglish.


Q: Ano’ng plural ng anus?

A: Ani (pronounced anay)

Q: Hahaha. So ibig sabihin, ang singular ng termite (anay)…?

A: Anus!


Ano’ng plural ng thesaurus?

Thesauri (siyempre).


Alumni (of course).









Sapatus (shoes)?


Eh ano’ng singular ng patay?




Monday, August 30, 2004

"Vaginitis Monologues" 

Another modern classic stolen from berse(r)k.

Vaginitis Monologues

In 1985, Femina, a woman's magazine in South Africa, ran an advertisement promoting a drug(?) called Nelex. The medicine was supposed to work wonders against Vaginitis, a venereal infection of some kind.

The ad reputedly prompted hundreds of letters from the mag's readers, some of which turned out to be unitentionally funny. Excerpts from some of the most hilarious are as follows:

1. My interesting language is English, so you better send me an English copy of your vaginitis.

2. Please send me the following symptoms: itching, discharge, unpleasant smell. I am one of those with a virginal problem. I will be very grateful if my disease were acceptable.

3. Dear sirs, greetings as patient to you, but I have not got enough time to express my sickness over this paper. I want to come by myself to confess my sickness to you after I use this Nelex. The trouble is my vaginitis and that I'm so ugly.

4. How can I get vaginal infection? Most chemists cannot help.

5. Is vaginitis normal, or does it occur by mistakes like having sex? My husband is not happy with the behaviour of my vagina at bedtime.

6. Please send me more information about these vaginal erections. My symptoms are some of the ones you didn't mention, so please send me another medicine. Every boyfriend left me and made another girl pregnant, so maybe you can help me. With modern life of anonymous infection, I have found your vaginal infection very handy and unavoidable. I tried Dettol, Omo (a washing powder) and also pure brandy. Allin vain. My problem is itching, burning pain after intercourse when the weather is cold or foggy.

7. I am a young lady of 1963. Will you please send me more news about my virginia pains during intercourse, even when I'm not having intercourse at. I use to have sex eight to ten times a day. Now I am very dry. I went to the hospital and they told me I have too much sex. Maybe I should move to Durban for the humidity.

8. I am a girl of 21 years of edge. Can you help me with Virginial infractions? Last night the virginial infections suddenly attacked me. What do you want me to do?

9. Please send me Nelex. I am so sick I will even pay for it. My virginia is wide open, but I only slept with my husband alone, but he says I am a bitch. I slept with many men. Can you close my virginia for me?

10. I really want a baby, but I don't want to be pregnant. The first time noticed vaginal infection was in your advert. My vargin is beginning to irritate me. I scream at it sometimes but it doesn't help. Sometimes my anus produces an unpleasant smell. Please send my letter back so I can remember what I have written.

11. Please advertise more so that I can remember that I have an infection. I stopped having sexual intercourse with my husband, but he hasn't stopped with me. My problem is I feel itching even when my husband romances me with his erection. I have never told anyone about my symptoms, now I see them publicly advertised.

12. I am 42 years old, but the infections started when I was much older and please reply as soon as it is convenient for me. I have pain during sex and also during intercourse. My virgin is badly leaking. Does Nelex work like a cork?

13. When I was 13 I spray my vagina with Airoma room freshener, now I am 18 and I need your help. Please send any good and large information to my suffering vagina.

14. According to symptoms advertised, I have discovered four of them in my promised one. She urges me so help me to help her. My new address is(address supplied) but please send your reply to my old address. Can I get vaginal infection without prescription?

15. Nelex the effective treatment, is it also effective in Zimbabwe. My husband does not know where I live, so we never have sex. I have never had sex, but I have this virginity problem. The bath water must have infected me, although I swear nobody bathed after me in the same water.

16. I have re-organised my virginia recently. It is easy to know when I have vaginitis, but how do I know when I do not have vaginitis?

17. How are you at that side or Randburg? I hail to you with my wife's vaginal infection from Zimbabwe but I know that some people order the thing without knowing them of seeing in other words they order them for nothing without using them.

18. I am 20 years old and will be 21 sooner than expected. I cannot tell my mother about it: she has no vagina. The last time I looked for my vaginitis I could not find it anywhere. 19. My vagina was discharged recently.

20. My vagina is deceased.

21. I am a doll of 19 and I want to introduce my itchy vagina to you. I hope you are in a favourable condition for my vaginitis. I have this virginity disease. I hope my letter arrives at tea time so you can study it better. I don't know if the smell really comes from my vagina. My nose cannot reach it properly. But I promise, my body also has some healthy parts.

22. How are you sir? I am very well, but I am also a very sick girl. Thank you for telling us how to avoid burning and itching virgins.

23. I live very far away, and therefore wander if my letter will reach you. I am not an ignorant girl, but how can I be sure? Please rescue my vaginal cavity from attack, sir, and send me this infection quickly. This Nelex it can help me. I will call my first son Nelex. Also my eyes and kids are itchy. I better stop looking at them. I air my vagina three times a day, much to my husband's regret. At today's price of water, I'd rather use Nelex. I have five of the four symptoms you mentioned.

A classic spam (Letter to Marjie) 

(Stolen from berse(r)k)

To Marjie,

I am not surprise or wander why Dennis leave you. Why? What reason you can think about but you're very fat body. I thought before that Dennis only use me to his toy but sooner and later I'm realize that he really can't not beared or stomached to be with you anymore because at first, Dennis say he could not stand you're habit of making pakialam all his walks [lakad] and always calling to their house what he go home or this or that. And then he say he get ashame to met iether in school or in his family and then asking you to exercise you're very very, very fat body. But you hate it. Thoughth your the most preetiest girls he knows about. What do you think you are "Beautiful Girl" of Jose Marie Chan? Even you are beautiful face (to your think) you do not have the right to called me whatsoever or else different name one time or the other for the real purposed to insults my personality because I'm never call you names iether in the front of Dennis or in the backs of Dennis, but if you start already to calling me different name, I don't have any other choice but to call you other different name to. Like you are a PIG, FAT, OBESSED, OVERWIGHT, AND UGLY SHAPE girl. Shame to you're body that is to a BUDING.You can't not blame Dennis for exchanging you to me because I am the more sexier than you when you look to us in the mirror. I'm repeat again that you are like Ike Lozada when she is a girl.

Love, The Sexiest Girl of D.M.

P.S. You say that I'm the bad breathe but who is Dennis want to kissed. Me or you? You or me? And the final is me!

Sunday, August 29, 2004


Welcome the new characters in the office (old characters, actually, that transmogrify when they put up a catfight during “Welcome to… The Bash” moments)

X, the Gentlemaniac

Y, the half-German, half-shepherd

Z, the half-Filipino, half-Filipina

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